Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Guys Vs. Girls. I Prefer Guys.

When I was 11 I organized a small protest on my elementary school grounds. I was angry. The playground aide had a habit of always giving the football and soccer balls to the boys. We girls were left to talk about how awesome Michael Jackson was or the latest issue of Teen Beat. I, even then, had no interest in that sort of thing and so I organized a sit-in with the girls. I remember very clearly telling the old man playground aide "You are a sexist, we girls want to play football too!" In the end, I got the ball, but it turns out, none of the girls wanted to play. I think that was the last time I ever felt any of the "women solidarity" that runs rampant.

I have always been a tom-boy if you will and I have, for the majority of my life, preferred the company of guys over girls. It's not a sex thing and it certainly doesn't mean that girls are poor company in any way, it's just what I prefer. I could care less about makeup, hair, or clothes so that pretty much eliminates any talks about those items with me. I am also not really big on exploring my feelings with others. If I am angry, I certainly express that or if I am sad, I have no problem telling people that, but as for going deeper and exploring the why's and the how's? No thanks. I would rather be outside doing outside things than shopping. I would much rather be drinking a beer on a patio, then putting on slutty clothes and going out.

Females can be particularly vicious to other females. Have I acted like an evil bitch to other females in the past? Most certainly. Did it make me happy? Most certainly not. I have found that females also have a tendency to completely mind other people's business instead of their own. I particularly hate this trait. I try to follow the manta of "If it doesn't concern me, if I'm not involved, I don't care and I don't want to hear about it." Again, I haven't always been able to follow that, but comparatively I've done a pretty good job with it. I cannot stand gossip. I cannot stand women sitting around talking about things that 100% do not concern them. It's often disguised as "we are worried about you" or "we want to help you". Yuck. Vomit. Call it like it is, which is being nosy and wanting some sort of drama outside of an otherwise boring and mediocre life.

I have found that some women like to tell you what you should and should not do. I have dealt with this a ton in the past and it's not only extraordinarily condescending, but it's also quite hurtful. It's made me keep things from friends because the last thing I need in my life is someone telling me what I should be doing, or worse, condemning me for what I have done. I can say that I do not do this in any way. I don't give advice unless someone specifically asks for it and even then, I am hesitant to say anything at all. It's quite possibly a trait in women to do this as nurturers and I do understand that. What I do know is that I am still alive even with all the shitty choices I have made, and that's really the only thing women need to remember. In other words "Mind your own life, and I will mind mine."

The above are all characteristics that most guys don't possess. Some do, but most in general are perfectly content to mind their own business, they want to laugh, and play and just live without all sorts of drama creeping in. I used to beat myself up because in my life, it's been incredibly tough to sustain long term relationships with females. Yet, the guys in my life, the ones that have never judged me or talked about me behind my back are still there in my life and will be there. I don't mind that so much anymore and I should note, that the females that are more like me are still there.

You won't ever find me in a circle of girls showing any real solidarity to my gender.

Works for me. I'm pretty damn happy about that actually.

Peace and love,


1 comment:

  1. "follow the manta"!!!

    hehehehe... sorry I had to point that out, great slogan ;)

    I don't agree with most of what you wrote here and I'm not sure I entirely believe it, coming from a women with 27(!!) purses?? But, that's not important.

    @lunaticcarl on Twitter posted the link to your blog; I will be following along most enviously and will try to keep the cattiness down if I comment... lol

    Bon Voyage!!

