Saturday, March 20, 2010

Taking the Measure of a Life

(Originally posted January 10, 2010)

How do you measure a life? I’ve been pondering this question and I don’t have a concrete answer to it. Perhaps in the end, it’s through the profound human experience that follows us all, the one we all live. Is it the ability to affect those around us with a genuine kindness, even if it’s just a smile? The thing is, those things matter immensely in this jumbled up world we all live. When someone is kind to you for no other reason then to connect with you as another human being, it does matter. It matters where it counts, in your heart and in your mind. Perhaps those smiles graced upon you by another human being shine and sparkle in your heart forever.

What I do know is that to truly live a worthy life we have to take chances. Some people take chances on the world, going out and doing good and trying to live a life the way they see fit. Other people take a chance by starting a family, by contributing and living within a community. There is no “right” way to live a life and no one way of living is better than another. They are all just different facets of a global community, tied together at the heart of it, with the need to be connected in some way to those around us. However, if you aren’t taking those chances, you aren’t really alive.

It saddens me when I see people chained to the past, chained to a routine, not living an authentic life. They are easy to spot, the ones drowning in unhappiness and I want to grab them and shake them. I want to tell them that stepping out on the ledge is easy once you realize that nothing can really hurt you. It’s not a big, bad, scary world out there and people everywhere are good.

Be free , love intensely, take a risk either going to the store or traveling around the world and smile at people. Be nice, being nice is risky. More than anything, jump off that proverbial cliff of life. You will soar.

“Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom.”-Marilyn Ferguson

RIP Amir.

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