Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stand For Something

I have a friend who is a vegan, not only is she a vegan, but she actively promotes it as a way of life and is able to defend her reasons behind being one . She has been that way for years, and though I'm not one, I admire her for standing for something

The sad reality for me is that I see far too many people here not standing for anything but money and their own pursuits. Wrapped in a bubble of their own security often times made up of family, a house, and maybe a pet, they are cut off from the world around them. They refuse to look out unless it's through the eyes of reality TV and occasionally their Facebook feed. I find it disturbing that more people in the US seemed to care about what Charlie Sheen did this time then what is happening in their own cities, states, country, or in places like Egypt.

It upsets me that people are so very ignorant. I'm not talking about every one of you, but I am talking about a vast majority. I joined a group on Facebook supporting the protests in Egypt. At almost a million strong, it is amazing to see people from every country posting on it. People in Egypt come on the page and thank us for the virtual support. The other day, I happened to go to the page and saw a post by someone in the US military. He was in a uniform and standing in front of the flag. He commented "Not my problem what a bunch of blank blank N word people do, nor should it be." I took him to task immediately for that, it was embarrassing to me that someone representing the US would speak like that on a global forum that was entirely positive. The thing is, it's all of our problem if people in another country are not able to have the rights we in western civilizations enjoy. How can it NOT be? If you value your freedom, shouldn't you in turn, value the freedom that others have? Shouldn't you want the same things for other people? And if you don't then at least fight against people having those freedoms but in my book, being ignorant about the world around you is not acceptable.

What I'm trying to express here, is please stand for something. I don't care what it is. Just get off your asses, get out of your houses, and do something to make the world a better (or worse if you prefer) place. Try to do something bigger than you and your life and I guarantee your life will be better. And if you believe in something, then believe it enough to defend it, to educate people and to live it. That's what I care about, ignorance turned to action.

Trust me, Charlie Sheen will be ok without you glimpsing into his life.

Peace, love, and joy


1 comment:

  1. For some all they know is themself and money. they dont know how to help others or stand for anything. Getting off your butts and doing something is a nice start. Nice post!
