Sunday, July 4, 2010

Questions and Answers

I leave my home and life here in the states in a little over 2 weeks. It's been interesting to hear reactions from people and I find myself answering the same questions over and over and over again.

Why are you doing this?
Because I want to, because I feel like it's the right thing for me, because I have dreamed about it since I was a teenager and why not now? I want to help people and I want to see things I can't even imagine right now. I want to meet the drifters, the loners, the free spirited ones that walk among us and more than anything, I want to learn and grow as a person. I want to be a better person and I feel like the path I will be taking so very soon will help me become more of who I am supposed to be.

What are you doing with your business?
A PR company that I adore and trust implicitly will be taking over my clients for me.

When are you coming back?
I plan to be gone for 3 years minimum. But I may be gone longer. I don't really know the when right now.

Where are you going?
I am flying to Mumbai on July 21st and taking a train down the coast to do some volunteer work and surf. I am meeting my friend Jason in Portugal and the end of August and may go see my brother in Italy before that. Then, I am heading to Munich for Oktoberfest in September. After that? Who knows

What are you doing with all of your stuff?
I am selling everything I own, except for a small box of photos that will be stay here. I am carrying my whole life on my back and it will only weigh 22 pounds.

How can you give up everything you have worked for up?
What I do for work doesn't make up the essence of who I am. It's just stuff. I have never been about making a ton of money and having things, so I'm not giving up anything really and in the end I know that I will be gaining more than I could ever have here.

But I don't get it, where are you going end up and what are you going to do?
I don't know and I don't want to know right now. It will be a grand adventure of my own making and that's really all I need to know.


Peace, love, and much happiness,


1 comment:

  1. Have been following you on Twitter and reading your blog. Hope you have a wonderful adventure...and it sounds like you will make sure that happens. You are to be commended and admired for taking this path and following your heart. It is not so easy for most people to step out of their comfort zone. Will look forward to any updates you give while on your journey. I have truly enjoyed your humor and anticipation for the trip....being an old lady who found you through poker, it has truly been inspiring!

