Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Numbers Game

I am quite angry with myself today when I look at my budget for my round the world trip. I spent far too much money on nights out with friends in the past 2 months and am going to be paying the price, literally, for the next few years. Did I really need to spend $50 on sushi with the boys? Probably not, though it's always a blast. Beer and rum/whiskey also ate up part of my savings, though I've never been the type to pass on a good drink, I probably should have said no a few more times than I actually did.

So what are the numbers exactly? I managed to save and make off my things around $17,000. I had to subtract money that a former PR client of mine owed me and apparently isn't paying, so that put a large dent in my budget. I also had to subtract money that I had estimated I would get for selling my car, but I am happy that it is going to someone that needs it, so that doesn't bother me so much. All told my budget will be around $14 a day for my entire adventure. I know it doesn't sound like much, especially to Americans. But figure in that I will be staying and eating for free at a number of places I am volunteering at and it's not too bad. I also will be flying on buddy passes whenever I can, (thanks again Sean and Tina!) As transportation typically eats up the majority of RTW budgets I have it made there. I plan to hitchhike in Europe and Southeast Asia, which will save additional moneys. Oktoberfest in September may blow a bit of my budget as the camping spot I reserved costs $10 a day and that doesn't leave much for beer, but I think I can suffer through a couple of months to experience that. I will be staying with friends throughout Australia and Norway, so I can add those days back in for saved money. I also have a friend in Cambodia and I'm hoping he can help me find a cheap place to rest my head. I may be able to find work in Southeast Asia, though truthfully, bar-tending on a beach somewhere doesn't sound like "work" to me. I also joined some affiliate programs for my blog, so if you need to book a flight or hotel click on the links I have here, the money earned will help a lot and since you have to book them anyway.....

This all makes my head spin as I am not very good with budgets. I have been making really good money the past few years and am used to spending as much money as I want. It's going to take a while to change my mindset from freely spending to frugally going without. I don't mind though. I look at it as another challenge. Staying in a $2/night hostel instead of a $40 a night hotel may not sound like much fun to most people, but I say bring it on cheap places! I have camped in conditions far worse than any hostel could present.

So there it is, the number game. Ick. I'm not enjoying thinking about it, but since I don't want to become a dumpster diver in Africa, I better start.

Since this man, I named him Windchime Bob, doesn't seem to care about budgets or even being a normal person, I figure I can pick up the slack. ">

Peace, love, and joy!



  1. It's a great experiment hey? Going from thinking we need $100k to live, to surviving happily on less than $20k, all while travelling the world. It puts modern society into context. Surely we'll all come back to civilisation with a little more financial discipline. :)

  2. That's my hope Todd. I can't wait to spend some of my hard saved money on a beer with you somewhere in the world. See you on the other side!

  3. So exciting that you're gearing up for the trip! Sounds like you've got a budget already planned as well. Smart!
