Tuesday, September 13, 2011

DO NOT follow your dreams

Hey all you people out there, who want to live freely. Let me tell you something, it's not fucking worth it. I can offer plenty of advice as someone that has lived, done a ton of things, moved around solo and adventured everyone. IT'S NOT WORTH IT.

DO NOT follow your dreams, they will be crushed. DO NOT leave everyone one you know and a life that was fantastic to do something you had always dreamed of, YOU WILL BE MISERABLE. DO NOT let anyone new get close to you, they will leave in the end. Trust me, I know. DO NOT wake up everyday and think that maybe tomorrow it will be better, if only you can reach some goal you have set. IT DOESN'T GET BETTER.

What can you do? Well, as much as I hate to admit it, you can put down roots, you can love those with you at this moment, your family and friends. You can stay in the same place as them, they will always be there when you are crushed by loneliness. You can live a life a quiet desperation; turns out its not so desperate it's just life and life with routine can be fantastic. Do live your life with no real aspirations about making the world better, about changing lives; honestly you probably will fail in the end and then you will hate yourself. You will live everyday with the knowledge that you could have saved just one person if you had only tried harder. No, it's much better to save yourself, to save maybe one person that loves you.

Trust me on all of this, I know.


1 comment:

  1. As a girl who is also well traveled, done a ton of things, moved around solo and adventured everywhere, I say keep on keepin' on.

    I have a houseful of kids, I travel on a whim, and I do everything I can to try to make the world a better place – even if that is just trying to float a keg.

    Dreams get crushed, but that's because you learned what you needed from that one, and it's time for a new path to be revealed. Sometimes, they go out in a flaming fireball, but sometimes they just fade. Same with people, and stuff, and life's general path.

    If some boy breaks your heart, that just means that you two weren't meant to be. Paths cross and you gained something. But he didn’t possess all of what you needed him to give. That honor is for some other boy.

    Without the crushing pain of having your heart broken, how do you know if the next boy will bring you the same excitement, the same anticipation, the same comfort? Without feeling lonely, how do you know what the exquisite joy of being loved feels like?

    Yes, love yourself. Yes, love your friends and family. Yes, put down roots and settle into a routine. Yes, pull up, clean up, and get outta town – onto the next place in this world. Yes, stop trying to save everyone. Yes, never give up on trying to help that one, solitary soul that needs you.

    But, also remember that sometimes, you’re here to be saved, too.
