Friday, August 5, 2011

Fuck You Thank You

Because it's time to tell it how it is in my head, because it's time to sing, dance, smile, laugh, love, and play again:

To the person that stole so much money out of my bank account-Fuck you. I forgive you.

To my car for breaking down in the middle of nowhere-Fuck you. I forgive you.

To my mother-Fuck you. I forgive you.

To the man who sold me a jacked laptop in Vietnam, which imploded this week-Fuck you. I forgive you.

To the guy who I bailed out of jail just because I am kind, who will never pay me back the money he owes me-Fuck you. I forgive you.

To my neighbor who is so cruel to animals & humans alike-Fuck you. I forgive you.

To all the guys that lie, hurt me & my friends, cheat, & don't show up-Fuck you. I forgive you.

To those that are bigots, racists, homophobic-Fuck you. I forgive you.

To the guy I talk to daily, who is my savior and my best friend-Thank you. I love you.

To the girl that has been with me on my journey and known me since we were 5-Thank you. You are my heart.

To the people that have so much compassion, they feel what I'm feeling-Thank you. You are my heroes.

To my sisters-Thank you. I love you.

To the one in Massachusetts, reaching out across the miles-You save me. I love you.

To the man who stopped to rescue me, while tears were drying on my cheeks & my car wouldn't go-Thank you. You are an exceptional person.

To my landlord who hugged me & took the time to offer kind words-Thank you. I love you.

To the girls that called me this past week to check on me-Thank you. I love you.

To the dreamers, the young ones with eyes wide open, to the new ones in my life-Thank you. I admire you.

More thanks than fucks and my world is a shining place.

What are your thanks and fucks?

Peace, love, and joy


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